Làm thế nào để vay tiền mặt dễ dàng?

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Tôi muốn vay tiền mặt thì cần hồ sơ gì? Làm thế nào để vay tiền mặt dễ dàng?

giải quyết 1
Mai1 4 năm 2020-08-13T19:23:01+07:00 1 Trả lời 294 lượt xem 1

Trả lời ( 1 )

  1. This answer is edited.

    Unsecured loan documents include papers such as ID card, SHK and income proof documents.

    If you do not have a Family Register at the residence, do not worry, you will still receive loan assistance.

    The most common proof of income is: salary statements.

    However, you can still replace with payroll / payslip / labor contract, ..

    What if your income is not from wages?

    Can be replaced by the following documents: electricity / water / internet bill, old loan agreement, life insurance, …

    You can see the article https://www.thomaytaichinh.com/blog/vay-tin-chap-tien-mat-can-cung-cap-ho-so-gi  to learn more information about applying for a loan, including tips when borrow.

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